Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bloody covered with or leaking blood.
bully to frighten or hurt.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
harness a set of straps by which a work animal is attached to a cart, carriage, or plow. The harness is used to control and guide the animal.
liar a person who tells lies instead of the truth.
messenger a person who carries and delivers messages and packages.
net1 an object made of strong threads or strings that are woven in a way that leaves open spaces between them.
painful causing discomfort in the body, as from an injury or illness.
pane a sheet of glass in a window or door.
price the amount of money needed to buy something.
straight without a curve or bend.
tongue the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in human speech.
type a group of things that are the same in some way.
weight the quality that makes something heavy.
yesterday on the day before today.