Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet.
cellar a room that is built under the ground. People use it for storing things.
clever having a quick mind; smart.
gesture to make a motion with the body that expresses a feeling or thought.
inventor one who conceives of or makes something new.
light1 the form of energy that makes it possible for the eye to see. The sun produces light.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
present1 the period of time between the past and future.
sneak to move quietly and in a sly way.
start to begin activity or operation.
stove a device that uses electricity, gas, or oil to provide heat for cooking or warmth.
streak a long, narrow line or mark.
team a group formed to play or work together.
terrify to fill with great fear or terror; scare.
vegetable a plant or part of a plant that is used for food, such as potato, broccoli, or onion.