Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptive capable of changing in response to changes in environment.
adorn to add beauty to; decorate.
dependence the condition of relying on another for help, or to provide what one needs.
dislodge to remove or force out of a fixed position.
guidance the act of guiding.
irk to annoy, irritate, or exasperate.
malicious having or reflecting a wish to harm.
merely nothing more than; simply; only.
qualification something that makes a person fit for an activity or job.
rebound to bounce or leap back or away after hitting something.
refined displaying qualities of good breeding or sensitivity of feeling or taste.
reject to refuse to take, approve, or believe.
resistant capable of opposing or willing to oppose.
stimulate to bring about to activity or action.
zest a sense of great pleasure or enjoyment.