Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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broach to suggest or mention for the first time; bring up.
copious abundant in number or quantity; plentiful.
decelerate to lower the speed of; decrease in velocity; slow down.
derange to cause to be mentally ill.
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not without pause or break.
gregarious fond of socializing with others; sociable.
multifarious of or having a great variety of parts, forms, or kinds; many and varied.
overbearing arrogantly dominating; dictatorial.
reproach to express disapproval of or disappointment with (someone); censure.
retrograde moving or tending to move in a backward direction; retreating.
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary.
sally a sudden forward attack or rush from a defensive position by a military force.
salubrious favorable to good health; healthy; wholesome.
suborn to induce (someone) to commit a crime or other corrupt deed.
turbulence commotion, violent disorder, or unrest.