Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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behind in or at the back of; on the other side of.
blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
bottom the lowest or deepest part of something.
chip a small piece broken or cut from a hard material.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
decorate to make more attractive by adding things.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
listener one who listens.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
natural of or produced by nature.
plank a length of wood thicker than a board.
sight the ability to see.
tap1 to hit with little force.
tear1 a drop of liquid that comes from the eye. Tears clean the eye and keep it wet.