Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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astray off the right or known path or course.
brawl a noisy fight or argument.
collide to strike or bump into one another with force.
conquer to get or overcome by force.
disclose to make known; tell.
divine of, from, or having to do with a god or gods.
eliminate to get rid of or destroy.
gross rude or disgusting.
indifference lack of interest, especially when interest is called for,expected, or hoped for.
naive simple, natural, and unsophisticated; lacking in suspicion.
royalty a member of a king or queen's family, or all such persons as a group.
silhouette any dark figure seen against a light background, so that details are hard to see.
surprisingly in a way or in an amount that is not expected.
teeter to walk, stand, or act in an unsteady, wavering manner.
thunderous producing a sound of or like thunder.