Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beyond past the farthest side of; farther on than; later than.
bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
challenge to invite to enter into a fight or contest of skill; dare.
democracy a form of government in which power rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
estimate a careful guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
glitter to shine brightly; sparkle.
identical the exact same.
location place or position.
manager the person who controls a business or acts as the leader of a plan or project.
orbit the curved path in which a planet, satellite, or spacecraft moves in a circle around another body.
pronounce to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way.
secretary a person who writes letters, keeps records straight, and manages mail. A secretary might work for another person or for a business.
snout the front part of an animal's head that sticks out. The snout includes the nose, mouth, and jaws.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
wealthy having a lot of money; rich.