Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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artisan a person skilled in making things, especially by using the hands. People such as those who make furniture, quilts, or other crafts are artisans.
contortion a straining or twisting by the intellect; mental gymnastics.
eddy to move or turn in circles or eddies.
endorse to give support to; approve of.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding especially in matters of detail; exacting.
indict to formally accuse (someone) of a crime in a court of law after studying evidence.
nicety a subtle distinction; fine point.
pragmatic concerned with actual causes and effects rather than abstract theories or ideas; practical.
prescience knowledge of future occurrences; foreknowledge.
protégé a person under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
stagnate to be or become motionless, fouled, or lacking in energy, originality, or development.
uncomplicated not difficult to understand or deal with; simple; straightforward.
waylay to attack or accost unexpectedly after lying in wait for.
wholehearted without reservation; sincere and enthusiastic.