Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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adulteration the act or process of making worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
arrant complete; unmitigated; downright.
deadeye an expert shooter.
granulate to make into small particles or grains.
harbinger someone or something that signals or foreshadows a later arrival or occurrence; herald; forerunner.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
imprecation a curse, uttered or thought of.
inadvertent not planned or intended; unintentional.
incessant never stopping; constant.
ineptitude incompetence; lack of skill.
malingerer one who pretends to be ill or injured, especially in order to avoid work or duty.
nostrum a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy for social or political problems; panacea.
peripatetic walking or traveling around; going from place to place; itinerant.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude.
sudorific causing or increasing sweat, as a medication.