Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attorney a person whose job is to give legal advice and to speak for people in court; lawyer.
catalyst an agent that causes an interaction between persons or forces without being affected itself.
clarity the state or condition of being clear or being understood.
consent to give permission or approval; agree (often followed by "to").
corrupt not honest; wicked.
discount an amount taken away from the full or regular price or cost.
enroll to enlist or sign up officially.
entrust to hand over to for the care or protection of.
faulty having imperfections, flaws, or defects.
induction the act, process, or result of deriving general principles from particular facts or examples.
indulgence the act of yielding to or gratifying a desire or appetite.
refrain1 to hold oneself back; to not enter into a particular action; desist; forbear (often followed by "from").
scorch to burn slightly.
selective very careful in choosing.
viewpoint an opinion.