Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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castigate to punish or rebuke, as with severe public criticism; chastise.
contemptuous feeling or expressing angry disgust, as at something unworthy or wicked; scornful.
dexterity grace and easy quickness in using the hands or body; skill.
expeditious prompt and efficient.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as stalks of corn cut and mixed with hay.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
harmonious characterized by agreement or accord.
indisposed slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold.
malign to speak badly of or tell harmful lies about.
monotony tiresome lack of variation.
recurrent happening again or repeatedly.
surmount to get over or past; overcome; conquer.
tout to publicize flatteringly and boastfully.
undermine to gradually, secretly, or imperceptibly weaken and destroy.
winnow to sift through, or separate out the desired or worthwhile from the undesired or worthless part of, as by critical analysis.