Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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capital1 the city where the government of a country, state, or province is located.
creature a living person or animal.
detail a small item; a particular.
display anything put out in order to be seen by others.
episode one event in a series of events in a person's life or a story.
essential necessary, needed.
forgive to excuse or pardon.
glossary a list of unusual or difficult words and their meanings connected with a particular subject or particular piece of writing. A glossary is often placed at the end of a book.
manufacturer a company that makes things in large quantities, usually in a factory and using machines.
memory the ability to remember an experience.
purchase something that is bought.
ripe fully grown and ready for harvest or eating.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
viewer one who watches, especially a person who watches television.
wink to close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness.