Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cloth material made by weaving.
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
commander an officer who is the leader of a military unit.
contest a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize; competition.
dead no longer alive.
flood a sudden, strong flow of water onto land that should not be under water.
fully in a way that is complete, entire, or thorough; totally.
greet to use words or simple actions that show pleasure or respect when you meet someone or start a letter.
hillside the side of a hill.
knife a tool with a handle and a thin, sharp blade that is used for cutting.
mistake a thought or action that is not correct.
pilgrim a person who takes a trip to a holy place for a religious purpose.
squeeze to press firmly together.
syrup a thick, sweet liquid.
wisdom good judgment and an understanding of that which is true or right.