Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
blasphemy disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable, especially God.
crossbreed to cause (a hybrid organism) to be produced by mating two different varieties of the same species.
depose to deprive of rank or office, especially from an important position such as that of king.
disembark to put or go ashore from a ship.
equable not varying extremely or suddenly; uniform; stable.
harangue a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, especially such a speech delivered in public; tirade.
prevaricate to lie, mislead, or conceal the truth deliberately.
rancor bitter, continuing resentment; hatred.
sanctify to make sacred or holy; consecrate.
scrimmage a vigorous struggle; scuffle.
skiff a small, light boat that may have sails but can be rowed by one oarsman.
stasis the state of equilibrium or balance between opposing forces; motionlessness.
tryst a meeting held at a specified time and place, especially a secret meeting of lovers; rendezvous.
vaporize to cause to become or diffuse as a vapor or gas; atomize; evaporate.