Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accidental happening by chance; not planned or expected.
actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating.
calculation deliberate scheming.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
drama a story written so that it can be acted out for an audience; play.
dungeon a dark, damp, underground jail.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
lance a weapon with a long pole and pointed metal head.
overseas across any of the oceans; abroad.
pamper to treat or please with too much care or attention; spoil.
roast to cook or bake with dry heat in an oven or over an open fire.
species a group of living things that naturally produce young with other members of the same group but not with those of other groups.
suburban of or having to do with communities that are near a city and where people who work in the city often live.
thorn a short, stiff point on a plant stem or branch.
traffic the movement of people or vehicles along a sidewalk, road, or other route of travel.