Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assertion a declaration or statement, often without support or proof.
coverage in journalism, the reportage on a particular event or issue, or the amount or type of reportage.
earnest having or showing a serious manner.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
encase to enclose.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
isolation the act of setting apart, or the state of being set apart from other things or people.
ornamental of or pertaining to decoration; decorative.
publication the act of publishing printed material.
rupture the act of breaking open or breaking off.
rustic living or happening in the country.
speculate to make guesses or wonder about something (often followed by "on" or "about").
traction the grip or holding power of a body moving on a surface.
transition a process of changing from one position, stage, or situation to another.
uncertain not known for sure; not definite.