Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
bankruptcy the legal inability to pay debts.
berserk violently enraged; wildly destructive.
hostage someone held prisoner by a person or group trying to force another person or group to meet certain demands.
ingredient one of the parts of a mixture.
innovative new and inventive.
insulate to cover, line, or surround with a material that reduces or stops the movement of heat, electricity, or sound.
loiter to stand around idly.
municipal of or having to do with a local government or unit of government.
plead to ask for something in a sincere or serious way.
productivity the capacity for manufacturing things or doing any work that yields measurable results.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
successive following one after another.
transcribe to write or type a copy or full version of (something dictated or heard, shorthand notes, or the like).
worthwhile valuable enough to be worth doing.