Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boil1 the state of a liquid when it reaches a certain temperature and starts to turn into a gas.
clear used to describe the sky when there are no clouds or when there is little pollution or dust.
court a place where legal matters are heard.
cozy warm and snug in a comfortable way.
double two times the amount or number.
fade to lose color.
glow a steady light, especially the light given off by something very hot.
office a place where people do business work.
opposite on the side that is across from another; facing.
peak the highest part of a mountain, or the highest part of anything.
pulse the regular beating of the arteries that is caused by the beating of the heart. The pulse can be felt in the wrist or neck.
quick happening very soon.
silent making or having no sound.
together in or into one group or mass.
wheelbarrow a device used to carry rocks, soil, leaves, and other materials for short distances. A wheelbarrow has one or two wheels, two legs at the back, and handles for a person to push.