Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
anatomy the parts of a living thing and how they fit together.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
countenance facial expression or general appearance.
dictate to state or order with authority.
ecological of or pertaining to the relationships between living things and their environments.
exult to rejoice greatly, especially over some triumph.
fathom to get to the bottom of or understand completely.
gala a happy celebration, especially a large, elaborate one.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl.
glutton someone who eats an excessive amount, or one who both eats and drinks excessively.
mandate to require by law or because of a vote of the people.
occasionally at times; now and then; not frequently.
opera a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra.
rout1 a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten.