Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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assimilate to adapt and conform.
bland without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal.
curriculum the courses offered at a school or in a particular area of study.
devotee an eager or serious follower or enthusiast.
emaciated extremely thin, as from starvation or disease.
empathy identification with or sharing of another's feelings, situation, or attitudes.
ideology the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution.
intrepid feeling or showing no fear; courageous; bold.
liability the condition of or potential for being held responsible.
miff to cause (someone) to become annoyed; offend.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
quizzical expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled.
secretive tending to secrecy.
zealot a person who is excessively and often intolerantly enthusiastic, especially about a cause or religious faith; fanatic.