Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allure to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt.
astral of, concerning, emanating from, or resembling the stars; stellar.
bulwark a wall or wall-like structure, often made of earth and used for defense; rampart.
disembark to put or go ashore from a ship.
gusto vigorous or hearty enjoyment or appreciation.
hew to follow or obey strictly.
idolatry unquestioning or excessive devotion or adoration.
indisposed slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold.
inexhaustible unable to be used up; endless.
invective strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language.
penchant a strong liking for or inclination towards something.
solace comfort or consolation in times of sorrow or suffering.
succulent full of juice or sap; juicy.
ulterior beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, especially when concealed for the purposes of deception.