Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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capitulate to surrender or acquiesce.
defile1 to make unclean, foul, or filthy.
diminutive very small; tiny.
dupe a gullible person; one who can be readily misled or fooled.
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure.
indisputable not subject to being challenged or denied; unquestionable.
inducement something used to persuade someone to a course of action; incentive.
infernal of or pertaining to hell or the world of the dead.
matriarch a woman who acts as head of a family, tribe, or other group of people.
mutable able or likely to change.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
rescind to take back or make invalid; revoke.
resolute having or showing firmness, determination, or resolve.
surrogate acting as, or considered to be, a substitute or replacement.
tenacious holding on or tending to hold on strongly or persistently (sometimes followed by "of").