Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boss a person who gives work to other people and tells them what to do; manager.
brain the organ in the body that controls thought, movement, and feeling. The brain is inside the skull.
branch a woody part of a tree or bush that grows out from the trunk.
bruise to hurt a part of your body without breaking the skin.
call to say in a loud voice or shout out.
crash to destroy with great force and loud noise.
escape to get free from something; to get away.
furious full of anger.
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, or the amount gathered.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat.
press to put pressure on something, often with one's hands.
rise to move up in direction.
streak a long, narrow line or mark.
welcome used to express warm greetings to someone who has just arrived.