Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apprentice someone who works for somebody else to learn that person's skill or trade.
bid an offer to buy something at a certain price or to do a job for a certain price.
computer an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed.
extinguish to put out; stop the burning of.
frail weak or sickly.
hilarious very funny.
instruction the act of giving knowledge; teaching.
manage to direct or control.
quicken to make faster; accelerate.
response a written or spoken answer; reply.
scramble to mix or throw together in a quick or random way.
shrug to raise the shoulders to show one does not know, does not care, or is not responsible.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
terrorize to control by using threats or acts of violence.
waddle to walk using short steps while rocking from side to side.