Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
cattle large mammals raised on farms or ranches for their milk or meat. Female cattle are called cows. Male cattle are called steers or bulls. Young cattle are called calves. The ox and the yak are kinds of cattle.
competition the process or act of trying to win.
detective a person, often a police officer, whose job is to find information that will solve crimes.
education the act or work of learning or training.
imaginary existing only in the mind.
knowledge understanding; awareness.
lag to fall behind an expected pace.
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
permit to allow (someone or something) to go into or be in a place.
professional a person who has or shows skill in a particular field, especially one who is paid for work in this field.
session a meeting or set of meetings of a court or a government council.
suburban of or having to do with communities that are near a city and where people who work in the city often live.
wealthy having a lot of money; rich.
width the length of something from one side to the other.