Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
arraign to bring before a court of law to respond to a charge or indictment.
complaisance willingness to please.
decorum properness of behavior, manner, appearance, or the like; dignity; propriety.
dispassionate without strong feeling or bias; calm; impartial.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
posterior located behind or toward the back of something.
pundit an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic.
refract to bend (rays or waves of light, heat, sound, or the like) in passing (them) obliquely from one medium into another which transmits them at a different speed.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
seclusion the act of isolating or hiding away, or the condition of being isolated in this way.
simile a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a simile.
sporadic occurring irregularly or in a thinly scattered manner in time or space.
tawdry falsely showy; cheap and gaudy.
wrangle to win or obtain by quarreling.