Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet.
capture to take hold or gain control of by force or through planning.
everywhere in every place; in all places.
ice frozen, solid water.
magnet an object that has the power to pull certain metals toward itself.
natural of or produced by nature.
parent a mother or a father.
patch a small piece of material used to cover a hole or to protect an injury.
program a plan of what will be done or take place.
share a part of a whole amount.
strong having power; difficult to break or damage.
together in or into one group or mass.
tomorrow the day after today.
view the area that can be seen from a particular point.
waterfall a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.