Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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feign to pretend or fake; put on a false show of.
fulsome offensive, especially because of excessiveness or insincerity.
humbug something without substance or meaning, such as an idea or argument; nonsense.
lateral about, from, or toward a side or sides; sideways.
militant aggressive or combative in attitude or actions, especially in defense of a cause.
persevere to continue steadfastly in a task or course of action or hold steadfastly to a belief or commitment, especially when met with opposition or difficulties; persist.
postulate to assert as something true, especially as a basis for reasoning.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
presumption a belief that is taken for granted but not proved.
resolute having or showing firmness, determination, or resolve.
retentive having the ability to remember.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
unsubstantiated lacking the evidence or verification needed to establish as true.
whimsy an odd, fanciful, or capricious notion, or such notions collectively.