Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abeyance temporary suspension or cessation.
attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain.
cantankerous irritable, stubborn, and quarrelsome.
contumely contemptuous insolence; rudeness.
despoil to forcefully take belongings or goods from; plunder.
imprecation a curse, uttered or thought of.
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability.
indolence the tendency to avoid exertion or effort; laziness.
indurate to make hard in texture; harden.
lupine2 fierce; greedy.
paroxysm a sudden strong outburst of feelings or actions.
phlegmatic not given to shows of emotion or interest; slow to excite.
reprise repetition of a musical phrase or theme in an identical or slightly altered way.
tummler an entertainer or social director who encourages participation by guests or audience.