Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
connotation a secondary meaning or implication of a word or expression, in addition to its primary meaning.
culinary of, concerning, or used for cooking.
estrange to cause (someone) to change from friendly and sympathetic to hostile or indifferent; alienate.
hysteria in an individual or group, an uncontrollable outburst of fear or other emotions, producing fits of weeping, laughter, irrational behavior, or the like.
lucid easy to understand; articulate; clear.
noteworthy deserving attention; remarkable.
portend to serve as a sign or warning of; bode.
progeny a descendant, or descendants collectively; offspring.
ramify to have or produce effects or consequences that make some original matter more complex.
roil to disturb or anger; agitate.
sedentary involving or characterized by sitting or little physical activity.
striate to mark with stripes or furrows.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.
vouch to promise to be true, real, or correct (usually followed by "for").