Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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create to bring into being.
creativity the ability to make or invent something original or imaginative.
decode to change the symbols in a secret language into ordinary language; decipher.
discontent not satisfied; unhappy.
ease freedom from pain, worry, or hard work.
headline the title to a newspaper article that tells what the article is about. The headline for the most important news is in the largest type on the front page of the paper.
perk1 to recover good spirits or energy (usually followed by "up").
plain easily seen or heard; clear; visible.
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to grab or take something.
prickly full of small, sharp points.
rhythm movement marked by the regular repetition of sounds.
scrub to clean by rubbing hard.
sharpen to make thinner or finer, as a cutting edge or point.
slouch to sit, stand, or move with a bent, careless posture.
tile a flat or shaped piece of baked clay or other hard material, used to cover floors, walls, or roofs.