Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cant1 insincere statements made to give one the appearance of goodness, piety, or the like.
compulsory required or necessary.
discernment the ability to keenly perceive and judge.
ecstatic in a condition of extreme delight, overpowering emotion, or religious trance; enraptured.
elementary having to do with the most basic or simplest parts of something.
explanatory serving to clarify or account for.
flair a natural ability; talent.
intensify to make stronger, more acute, or more intense.
juror a person who is a member of a jury.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
mortgage a written agreement by which a bank or other institution agrees to lend money so that one can buy a property. The bank holds a claim to this property until the money is paid back.
overcome to win against or defeat; to get over or past.
ponder to think about something deeply and carefully.
sanitary free from things that can cause infection; clean; sterile.
withstand to resist or stand up to; bear.