Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aplomb great self-confidence, composure, or poise.
bathos a sudden descent from an exalted style or esteemed state to the commonplace.
bellicose easily incited to quarrel or fight; belligerent.
divergence the act of separating and moving or leading in different directions.
ersatz serving as a substitute, especially when of inferior quality.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
indurate to make hard in texture; harden.
intransigence refusal to alter one's ideas or position in response to the wishes of others.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
putrefaction the act or process of rotting or decomposing.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.
sanctimony a pretense of righteousness or piety; feigned devotion or holiness.
stately dignified.
surcingle a girth or belt that wraps around the body of a horse to secure a saddle, pack, or the like to its back.