Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
circuitous having or taking a long and winding course or procedure; roundabout; indirect.
contemptuous feeling or expressing angry disgust, as at something unworthy or wicked; scornful.
estrange to cause (someone) to change from friendly and sympathetic to hostile or indifferent; alienate.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
implicate to involve or prove involvement of (someone or something) in an affair, situation, event, or series of events.
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively.
insurrection an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising.
inverse opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect.
mettle toughness of character; courage.
pallor unnatural lack of color, especially of the face.
piety worshipful devotion to and veneration of God or family.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.
vindictive desirous of revenge; vengeful.