Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
assail to attack with vigor or violence; assault.
atavism the recurrence or reappearance of a particular trait, style, attitude, or behavior that seemed to have disappeared, or that which has recurred or reappeared after such an absence.
cognoscente someone who has exceptional knowledge in a given area, especially of fashion, literature, or the fine arts; connoisseur.
conduction the transmission or transfer, as of heat, electrical charges, or nervous impulses, through a medium.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
equipoise a state of balance or equal weight, importance, or the like; equilibrium.
eruct to belch forth.
extrinsic not inherent or essential; extraneous.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
inadvertent not planned or intended; unintentional.
indolence the tendency to avoid exertion or effort; laziness.
knurled having small ridges.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
symbiosis a close association, usually a mutually beneficial relationship, between two dissimilar organisms.