Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appose to place next to or side by side; juxtapose.
argot the vocabulary or jargon characteristic of a specific group or class, especially of criminals.
bereft deprived or stripped of something.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
chary not dispensing freely.
commodious comfortably spacious; roomy.
élan enthusiasm or vigor.
elide to leave out or slur, as a syllable or letter, in pronunciation.
laudatory expressing praise.
malinger to pretend illness or injury, especially in order to be excused from duty or work.
omnibus concerning or including a large collection of things.
recrudesce to become active again or break out anew, as a disease or harmful condition.
stately dignified.
tyro one who is beginning to learn a business, trade, sport, or the like; novice; neophyte.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.