Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beyond past the farthest side of; farther on than; later than.
conflict to disagree strongly; differ.
decade a unit of time equal to ten years.
embroider to make or decorate with needlework.
foreigner a person who is born in or is from a different country.
fortunately by lucky chance; luckily.
frontier a border between two countries, or the area nearby on either side.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
radar the use of radio waves to track the location, distance, and speed of faraway objects. Waves are sent out and then picked up again when they bounce back after hitting some object.
rely to trust or depend (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
smash to break into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often making a loud noise.
theater a building where plays, movies, or concerts are presented.
treasure money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up.
wield to handle and use (a weapon, tool, or the like), especially with power or control.
youngster a young person; child.