Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
arraign to bring before a court of law to respond to a charge or indictment.
assimilate to adapt and conform.
categorical with no exceptions or conditions; absolute.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
cosmic of or relating to the universe.
earthy realistic, practical, and unpretentious.
expiate to atone or make amends for (a sin, crime, offense, or the like).
hoodwink to trick, deceive, or dupe.
increment a rise or addition in number or value, often small.
iota an extremely small amount.
marginal barely above a minimum standard of quality.
morbid in an unhealthy, gloomy mental state; preoccupied with sickness, abnormality, or death.
nebulous hazy, confused, or indistinct.
rile to make angry; irritate or annoy.