Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aide any assistant or person who gives support.
attempt an effort to do or accomplish something.
designer a person who makes or draws plans for creating something, especially physical objects or structures.
elaborate planned or carried out with great care and attention to details.
fluid a liquid or gas. A fluid flows easily and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Water and air are fluids.
foreign in, from, or having to do with a country that is not one's own.
frequently often; many times.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person.
practically almost; nearly.
rally to unite again or raise the spirits of after a disappointment or failure.
slouch to sit, stand, or move with a bent, careless posture.
sober not drunk; not intoxicated.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.
variety change or difference; diversity.
willingness the state of being ready or glad to do something without being forced to do it.