Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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belt a piece of cloth, leather, or other material that you wear around the waist.
brave ready to face pain or danger; showing courage.
cab a short form of taxicab.
candle a stick of wax with a string through the middle. The string burns and gives off light.
crumb a tiny piece that breaks or falls from bread or other food.
happen to take place; occur.
hurry to move or act with speed.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
oven a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
pain bad or terrible feeling in your body that is usually caused by injury or illness.
platform a raised, level surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience.
punishment a way of causing someone to suffer or experience something bad for having done something wrong.
stamp to push down against a surface with a hard fast motion.
still not moving.
topic a subject of discussion, conversation, or writing.