Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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centripetal forced or moving inward toward a center point or axis.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
cravat a scarf or band of cloth tied loosely about the neck.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
engender to create or give rise to.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
humanism a doctrine or mode of thought that gives highest importance to human dignity, values, potentials, and achievements.
idiosyncrasy a characteristic of temperament, habit, or physical structure particular to a given individual or group; peculiarity.
immaculate not dirty; completely clean.
oblivious not conscious or paying attention; unknowing or unaware (usually followed by "to" or "of").
parlous full of dangers or risks; perilous.
picayune having little value or significance; small; paltry.
prolix wordy and boringly long.
stochastic of, or arising from chance or probability.
stridulate to produce a shrill grating, creaking, or chirping sound by rubbing certain parts of the body together, as some insects do.