Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bawdy coarsely or indecently humorous; risqué.
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government.
echelon a level of authority or rank, as in an organization.
epigram a short, pithy, often paradoxical sentence.
expurgate to remove from a book or the like material considered to be offensive or erroneous prior to publication.
incandescent giving off light as a result of being heated.
innuendo an indirect and usually derogatory hint, allusion, or insinuation.
irreverent not having or showing respect.
jurisdiction the right or authority to interpret and administer the law.
maternal of, having to do with, or like a mother.
odoriferous having or spreading a scent, especially a pleasant or fragrant one.
pervade to spread or be present everywhere in.
phenomenal amazing or extraordinary.
rejoinder a response to a reply; retort.
subsume to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle.