Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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castigate to punish or rebuke, as with severe public criticism; chastise.
cognate having a common origin, as languages.
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition.
eccentricity an odd or peculiar behavior, habit, interest, or the like.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
gingerly in a careful or cautious manner; warily.
incandescent giving off light as a result of being heated.
incongruity the condition of being inappropriate or inconsistent.
magnitude size or extent.
misdemeanor in law, a class of illegal act that is less serious than a felony and carries a lighter sentence; minor offense.
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
repertory a stock of skills, talents, or performing pieces; repertoire.
stockpile a supply of items accumulated and maintained for future use.
surrogate acting as, or considered to be, a substitute or replacement.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.