Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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closely carefully and with attention.
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that holds or can hold something else.
decrease to become less or smaller.
delirious confused from a fever or other cause.
drizzle to rain in light drops.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
meek doing what others want; not standing up for oneself; tame.
noose a loop that passes through a knot in the end of a rope or other line. When the rope is pulled, the loop becomes smaller.
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
scoundrel a wicked person; villain.
sinister threatening or suggesting evil, injury, or danger; ominous.
squall a sudden, powerful wind that moves in suddenly. Squalls usually bring rain, snow, or sleet.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
uproot to pull up or tear out of the ground by the roots.