Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptation the act or process of changing or adjusting something to fit in a new role or context.
borne past participle of "bear1" with meaning connected with carrying, supporting, or enduring.
concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
concept a general idea or thought.
contingency a future event that is possible but not likely.
convene to gather or come together for a meeting.
customize to make or change according to the specifications of the customer.
inappropriate not right or proper for the time or place; not appropriate.
maturity the state of being fully grown or developed.
outlook what may come in the future.
perishable likely to spoil or rot in a short time.
revise to change or make different.
sprawl to lie, sit, or fall with the arms and legs spread out in a loose or relaxed way.
squeamish nauseated, or tending to be easily nauseated or disgusted; queasy.
woe great suffering or sorrow.