Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclamation enthusiastic applause; loud expression of approval.
bilk to defraud or swindle, especially by avoiding due or promised payment.
cynicism an attitude of doubt or mistrust toward human nature and the possibility of good or selfless motives.
decorum properness of behavior, manner, appearance, or the like; dignity; propriety.
dictum a formal or official pronouncement or declaration.
disincline to cause to be unwilling or reluctant.
dissolution the annulment or severance of a bond or tie, especially a formal or contractual connection.
imperil to put at risk; endanger.
incisive marked by clear, penetrating thought; sharp.
inexcusable unable to be justified; unpardonable.
petulant showing or inclined to show sudden or unreasonable irritation, impatience, or ill temper; peevish or sulky.
piety worshipful devotion to and veneration of God or family.
pivotal critically important or crucial; on which something is contingent.
recipient one who accepts something that has been sent or given, or one who has been awarded something.
tertiary third in order, rank, importance, degree, or the like.