Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accord agreement; harmony.
biological having to do with living things and their life processes.
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
compliance acquiescence or conformity.
dispense to give out in portions; distribute.
durable not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy.
earnest having or showing a serious manner.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless.
guidance the act of guiding.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
mosaic a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place.
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile.
robust strong, healthy, and full of energy.
siege a military act of surrounding a city or base, attacking it, and cutting off supplies. The goal of a siege is to force the city or fort to surrender.