Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledgment the act of acknowledging.
decline to refuse to do, in a polite way.
dosage the amount or timing of medicine to be taken.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
exult to rejoice greatly, especially over some triumph.
fatality a sudden or unexpected death.
former happening in or having to do with the past; previous.
maturity the state of being fully grown or developed.
overall including nearly all; general.
reconstruction the act or result of rebuilding or remaking.
reflex having to do with a response or reaction that is automatic and not controlled by conscious thought.
refugee a person forced to leave his or her home or country to seek safety or protection.
regal of, pertaining to, or suitable for royalty; royal.
revenue money gained from selling property or investing money.
routinely regularly; habitually.