Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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analogy similarity or correspondence between two otherwise dissimilar things.
artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
bankrupt not able to pay money owed and free by law from having to pay.
candid without deception or concealment; honest; forthright.
consciousness the physical condition of being awake and aware.
degrade to bring down from a higher to a lower rank or degree by taking away a position or title.
drab not bright; dull.
ingenious clever or creative in setting up or working through problems.
ironically contrary to what seemed likely at first or to what one would naturally predict.
moreover beyond what has already been said; in addition; also.
mosaic a picture or design made with many small colored pieces of glass, tile, or stone. These pieces are fitted together and cemented into place.
recognition the act of realizing that one knows someone or something.
theology the study of religion, especially the relations between God and the universe as expressed in religious doctrine, revelation, and scripture.
tragedy a disaster; a very sad event.
vortex a whirling mass of fluid, air, or the like, such as a whirlpool, that generates a vacuum in the center toward which things are drawn.