Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agenda a list of things to be done or talked about.
argument a discussion by people who disagree.
astonish to fill with great surprise or amazement.
conduct to lead or guide.
development the act of starting something, working on it, and making it complete.
directly without space or action in between.
endless having or seeming to have no end; without limits; infinite.
episode one event in a series of events in a person's life or a story.
impostor a person who cheats or tricks others by pretending to be another person.
mesh a material or article made of fiber woven to form open spaces, as in a net.
nonprofit of a business, not established to make more money than is necessary to pay employees and to remain in operation.
noose a loop that passes through a knot in the end of a rope or other line. When the rope is pulled, the loop becomes smaller.
pursue to follow in order to reach or catch; chase.
resign to give up a job or other duty.
result to happen because of something.